have finally found an image that suits you! I promise not to tell anyone if you'll play like my girlfriend for the evening. "Thanks again for being so nice, but I don't think so. She stood up. "O.K., Danni, but I'm going to tell some of my friends, and they'll tell some of theirs and soon you'll have every guy over here teasing you. Coming dressed like that, with your reputation wasn't very bright."

As Susan started to walked off, I realized that as Danni, she seemed to like me. It was a weird feeling to know that no one wanted Danny Nichols as a boyfriend, but a most popular Susan wanted Danielle Nichols as a girlfriend. I sat there thinking about the absurdity of the situation then quickly made a decision, "Susan, I'll do what you ask. Please don't tell anyone. OK?

She took me over to her friends and introduced me. No one seemed to think anything unusual except that I wasn't in costume.

I heard them call for the best costume judging, but... I was still too afraid of what everyone would have said if I'd gotten up there dressed this way, even though I probably would have won. But I don't think I could have revealed who I was anyway, now that I'd successfully fooled everyone.

Susan won second prize while I watched from the sidelines. One of the guys stood next to me and said, “Too bad you didn't wear a costume. You would have looked great in a hula outfit."

During the rest of the night Susan made me stay close to her. She seemed to love introducing me to the boys as the came up to ask us to dance. The first time, I panicked and looked at Susan. She nodded as if to say I'd better dance.

My face was crimson as I was lead out onto the dance floor by Bill, a football player. He was everything I wished to be; tall, strong, and handsome. His suit and tie were in contrast to my skirt and blouse. His chest bulged with muscles, mine just bulged out with the twin points of my padded chest. Lucky for me it was a fast dance and I tried the best I could to look like the other girls.


Afterwards, Susan was smiling. She whispered to me, "You're a natural. Take smaller steps and walk from your hips. You know, let me see that fanny wiggle.'


I turned red as she continued, obliviously having great fun with my deception. "Danni, with a little help, you could be a beautiful girl, a popular girl.”

"But Susan, I'm a boy. I'm never going to do this again.”

"Some boy!" She laughed, "As a boy you look funny. I'd say your are a perfect size 8. Look at your hips; they have a fleshyness that is very girlish. Let me try something."

She took a red lace ribbon from her purse and selected a long lock in back. She adeptly tied the ribbon in a big bow and which hung down my back with my shiny hair. I looked around, it was like everyone in the room was watching us. If the word got out now, my goose would really be cooked.


"Glamorous, my darling little sissy," she exclaimed soft-

I was humiliated. I thought Susan liked me. She was just teasing me, and in some ways it was worse than the potential ribbing from the guys.

Susan added, "I want you to dance with who ever asks you, right?"

I knew the consequences of my disobeying. I nodded OK, meekly.

After several dances, I relaxed and almost had fun. Susan loved the deception. Before I left the dance, she said, "Danni, I really like you and you're a good sport. We're going to have to do this again." I tried to tell her "no", but she only smiled and winked at me.

When Kathy came to pick me up after the dance, she asked me, "Well, Danielle, how was the dance?"

"It was very strange," I answered her, telling her about my experience with Susan Parker. "It was the first time. anyone other than a faculty member or a grade-conscious jock had actually been nice to me... too bad it took dressing up like this for that to happen. I don't know, Kathy. It's all